If you’re looking for packaging news in August 2022, you’ve come to the right place. Read up on Real-time authentication and the growing demand for sustainable packaging. You can also check out the latest developments and trends affecting the packaging industry. In addition to the above, we’ve also got an article on Climate change and its impact on flexible packaging.
Real-time authentication in flexible packaging
Real-time authentication for flexible packaging is here and ready to help you keep track of your product’s data and make it more secure. A pioneering online solution and state-of-the-art production facilities will allow you to create a fully custom package in as little as 72 hours.
Demand for sustainable packaging
Despite the increasing popularity of sustainable packaging, a number of obstacles still remain. These include changing regulations, shifting compliance targets and shifting consumer demands. In the last decade, companies have been making sustainability changes in response to consumer demand and evolving regulations. However, the recent advent of sweeping industry-wide regulations to counter the impact of climate change are proving to be a challenge. These new laws are often complex and costly for small businesses.
The growing demand for sustainable packaging is pushing manufacturers to use compostable materials for their packaging efforts. In fact, nearly half of companies will begin evaluating compostable packaging in 2021 compared to only 41% in 2018. However, companies are increasingly willing to give up durability in the name of sustainability. While 81% of companies said that sustainable packaging options must provide equal or better protection to their products, only 19% indicated that they were willing to compromise on protection in exchange for sustainability.
A new report from MarketsandMarkets has revealed that the global market for sustainable packaging is projected to increase by 5.9% annually through 2027. This is a substantial increase over today’s $263.8 billion global market size. The reasons for this growth include increased awareness of environmental issues, stringent government regulations, and a growing demand from food and beverage manufacturers. In addition, increasing consumer preference for eco-friendly materials is also fueling the growth of the global sustainable packaging market.
New sustainable packaging options
A new family of sustainable packaging solutions is about to hit the market. Known as oneBARRIER, the oneBARRIER family has the potential to transform the packaging industry. One of the family’s most exciting products is oneBARRIER PrimeCycle, which is an EVOH-free, polymer-based alternative to metallized polyester film. It is fully recyclable and maintains its excellent barrier properties.
Another environmentally friendly packaging option is cornstarch, which is derived from corn and has plastic-like properties. These materials are a cost-effective alternative to petroleum-based plastics. Consumers often throw out packaging once they have used a product, which can harm the environment, endanger wildlife and cause health risks. Biodegradable packaging can help solve these problems and is expected to become more prevalent in the near future.
Besides promoting new sustainable packaging options, Walmart is also helping other companies with their sustainable packaging initiatives. The company launched the Circular Connector in April, a global resource for companies that want to reduce their environmental impact. The program has attracted over 100 submissions from innovators. Its director, Ashley C. Hall, wants to bridge the gap between companies that need sustainable packaging and those who want to implement it.
Impact of climate change on flexible packaging
The United States recently re-engaged with the Paris Agreement on climate change. This could have an impact on the sustainable packaging industry. The packaging industry must make a conscious decision to reduce the carbon footprint of its products. This article outlines key factors that need to be considered in this regard.
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The flexible packaging industry is at a critical crossroads. According to trade groups such as ReFED and the Global Pouch Forum, it faces two potential routes to the future. One is the straight and narrow way to a bleak future, while the other is a complex and tough road that will further expand the role of flexible packaging in reducing food waste. The latter path is preferable for companies that seek to minimize the environmental impact of flexible packaging.
To achieve this goal, companies are developing their own agendas to address flexible plastics in the supply chain. These initiatives include reviewing packaging design and increasing the amount of recycled content. PepsiCo, for example, recently pledged to phase out virgin plastic in its chip bags by 2030. Moreover, large brand owners are taking steps to protect their R&D investments in the packaging industry.